Lung Cancer FAQs

Radiation Therapy Treatments in Phoenix, AZ


At Palo Verde Cancer Specialists, our mission is to provide hope in the fight against cancer through world-class radiation therapy treatment. Our six state-of-the-art cancer treatment facilities are located conveniently throughout Payson, Glendale, Scottsdale, and the greater Phoenix area, and our team of expert cancer doctors takes a caring and compassionate approach to cancer care. If you’re battling lung cancer, we know you probably feel overwhelmed – but the first step to recovery is educating yourself on your condition.


Common Questions About Lung Cancer


What causes lung cancer?

Lung cancer has a number of risk factors, which increase the likelihood of someone developing lung cancer over the course of their lifetime. The primary risk factors for lung cancer include:

  • Smoking​: This is by far the most significant risk factor and drastically increases the chances of getting lung cancer.
  • Secondhand Smoke​: Exposure to secondhand smoke can also significantly increase the risk of lung cancer.
  • Radon​: Radon is a tasteless, odorless gas that comes from decomposing uranium in the earth. Radon can seep into people’s homes and be a risk factor for lung cancer. Radon is estimated to cause roughly 20% of lung cancer cases.
  • Chemicals​: Exposure to certain chemicals, including asbestos, uranium, and coke, can increase the risk of lung cancer.

Is lung cancer always caused by smoking?

Lung cancer can occur in people who have never smoked, but smoking is by far the primary cause of lung cancer. Roughly 80% of lung cancer deaths in women and 90% of deaths in men occurred due to lung cancer caused by smoking.

What are the symptoms of lung cancer?

Unfortunately, lung cancer often produces no symptoms until reaching an advanced stage. If it does produce symptoms, lung cancer may cause any of the following:

  • Persistent cough
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Headaches
  • Hoarseness in the voice
  • Chest pain

Should I be screened for lung cancer?

For some patients, regular preventive screenings can help detect lung cancer early on and improve the likelihood of successful treatment. The most common screening is a CT scan, but because this exposes patients to low doses of radiation, it carries its own risk. You should talk with your doctor to find out if preventive screenings for lung cancer make sense for you. In some cases, your insurance company may cover lung cancer screenings.

How is lung cancer treated?

Treatment options for lung cancer vary greatly, depending on the specifics of the case, the stage of the cancer, and the patient’s medical condition. Only you and your doctor can decide the right treatment course for you. Some of the most common treatments for lung cancer include:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted Therapy
  • Immunotherapy


Schedule a Consultation for Cancer Treatment in Phoenix


Lung cancer is both common and very serious, and if you or a loved one have been diagnosed, proper treatment is critical. Don’t wait: contact us today to schedule a consultation at one of our six Phoenix cancer treatment facilities. We’ll create a comprehensive treatment plan to help you beat cancer and reclaim a healthy, normal life.

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