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Common Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
Cancer is a serious disease that no one likes to talk about, but everyone thinks about. Cancer specialists specialize in treating cancers, researching cancers, and tracking cancer cases. It is estimated that about 39.5% of women and men will at some point in their life be diagnosed with some sort of cancer. About 12.9% of women will fall victim to breast cancer. Although it is less common, men can also develop breast cancer. About 2000 men each year are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Early Detection Saves Lives
Cancer specialists have been telling people for years now, one of the best ways to beat cancer is with early detection. The earlier the cancer is identified, the earlier treatment can begin. The earlier the stage the cancer is in when detected, the greater chance of survival. There are some common early warning signs of breast cancer you should become familiar with.
The Most Obvious Sign
According to cancer specialists, the discovery of a mass or a lump in the breast is typically what brings patients in to be evaluated. A mass or a lump that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue can be nothing, but it can also be one of the early warning signs of breast cancer.
Discharge from the Nipple
If you begin discharging fluid from your nipple spontaneously it can be an early warning sign of breast cancer. Additionally, inversion of the nipple can also be a sign something is wrong. Flaking or peeling of the skin on the areola (skin around the nipple) can also be an early warning sign.
Skin Changes on the Breast
Cancer specialists advise that changes to the skin of the breast may be a warning sign of breast cancer. If dimpling of the skin occurs (making the breast look like the skin of an orange) you should go and get checked out as soon as possible.
Other Signs and Symptoms
Unfortunately there are no hard line symptoms associated with breast cancer until it metastasizes (spreads to other body parts). The best way to protect yourself is through early diagnostics. A yearly mammogram is strongly recommended, and frequent self-checks are the best way to combat breast cancer. If you notice any changes to your breasts, including the shape of your breast, it is always best to get checked by a medical professional. Stay on top of breast health and your overall health to keep the odds in your favor.
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