How to Explain Your Cancer Diagnosis to Loved Ones

How to Explain Cancer DiagnosisGetting diagnosed with cancer can be one of life’s most frightening, challenging experiences. And all too often, it’s not just the cancer itself that’s difficult: telling your loved ones can feel just as hard. At Palo Verde Cancer Specialists, we’re proud to help patients throughout Scottsdale, Glendale, and greater Phoenix, AZ fight cancer with world-class radiation therapy treatments, and if you’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer, we can offer some tips on how to tell the people closest to you.

How to Tell Loved Ones That You Have Cancer

Delivering the news of your cancer diagnosis to the people in your life can be an emotional, draining process, so it’s important to prepare yourself. Even saying the words “I have cancer” can stir up a lot of feelings you may have been avoiding, so take some time to internally prepare for the conversations you’re about to have.

You’ll also want to think about who you want to tell. Your spouse or partner will likely be first on the list, followed by your closest family and friends. Unfortunately, not everyone responds to news of a cancer diagnosis in the way we want them to, so it’s also healthy to take time to prepare yourself for a wide range of responses. Remember that if someone responds with anxiety or even support that doesn’t feel healthy or helpful to you, it’s ok to set boundaries for yourself.

Finally, remember that you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting. While you’ll have to tell your closets loved ones yourself, it’s perfectly ok to recruit someone to help you deliver the news or to do it via email or social media post. Having these conversations can be draining at a time when you’re already fatigued, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Contact Your Scottsdale, AZ Cancer Center

Being diagnosed with cancer can be an incredibly difficult thing to overcome, but remember that you’re never alone in the fight – especially when it comes to treatment. Our expert cancer doctors work closely with each patient to develop a treatment plan that works with your lifestyle to help you get back to full health, no matter what you’re up against. If you’re in need of cancer treatment, don’t wait: contact us today to start on the road to recovery.

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