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What Demographics Tend to get Diagnosed with Cancer the Most, and Why?

According to the American Cancer Society, people in the US who are 55 or older account for 80% of the country’s cancer diagnoses. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you want to go to the best cancer center for treatment. Yes, folks over 55 make up a large majority of patients, but other demographics, like race and socioeconomic status, also affect the likelihood of receiving a cancer diagnosis. Continue reading to learn more about the topic of demographics and cancer diagnoses.

Age and Gender Are Major Contributing Factors

Certain cancers affect men and women differently. Women are more likely to develop breast cancer, and men account for more diagnoses of colon cancer. As mentioned above, age is another factor that can affect the likelihood of a diagnosis. As the body ages, it is more likely to develop diseases like cancer because of the higher propensity of cell mutations. Genetics also play a significant role in a person’s likelihood of getting cancer of any type. If there is a history of cancer in your family, it’s important to undergo cancer screenings as you age.

Socioeconomic Status Can Also Effect Cancer Diagnoses

Unfortunately, factors like socioeconomic status are other markers of one’s chances of receiving a cancer diagnosis. At lower socioeconomic levels, access to healthy foods, adequate medical care, and a low-stress lifestyle is more elusive. The best cancer center can provide medical treatment, but without access to robust integrative care, treatment can be more difficult.

Benefits of Integrative Care for All People Diagnosed with Cancer

When a patient has access to both integrative care and traditional treatments like chemotherapy, their cancer journey can be less stressful. Integrative care includes healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and treatment modalities like meditation and acupuncture. These complementary treatments can make cancer less of a psychological burden for many people. Without access to this integrative care, patients can become depressed and lose hope for recovery. A full-spectrum approach to treatment can provide patients with a more robust outcome from their ongoing cancer treatments.

After receiving a cancer diagnosis, many people turn to integrative care at the best cancer center in their area. Living with cancer can be less of a burden when integrative care is implemented alongside traditional cancer treatments. Contact us at today to learn more about our services.

How Common Is Lung Cancer?

lung cancer treatmentsIf you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer, you’re not alone. Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, affecting 53.1 per 100,000 people per year, according to the National Cancer Institute. For those who have been newly diagnosed or have a loved one who has received this diagnosis, you may be wondering what exactly is lung cancer and what the risk factors may be. Here, we’ll provide you with the details you need to know about this type of cancer.

What Is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer begins in the lungs and occurs when the cells begin to grow out of control. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common form of lung cancer. Depending on which subtype the NSCLC is, it can appear in various parts of the lung. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is less common but tends to spread pretty quickly and can be dangerous. It’s important to visit your primary care physician regularly to help catch lung cancer as early as possible.

What Are the Symptoms and Risk Factors of Lung Cancer?

Smoking is the leading risk factor for lung cancer. However, those who quit smoking can significantly decrease their chances of becoming sick. Other risk factors include family history and genetics, exposure to radon gas, exposure to asbestos, prior radiation therapy, and exposure to secondhand smoke.

Symptoms of lung cancer include a persistent cough, trouble breathing, chest pains, and frequent respiratory infections. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your primary care physician to get checked. Lung cancer can be better treated the earlier it is detected.

What Treatment Is Available for Lung Cancer?

There are many different types of lung cancer treatments your doctor may suggest to you. One of the most common types of lung cancer treatments is chemotherapy, which is meant to remove the cancer cells and prevent further cancer growth. Other types of lung cancer treatments include radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and surgery. Some medical professionals may recommend that you receive one or more treatments to increase their effectiveness. It’s recommended to speak to your doctor to determine which treatment or combination of lung cancer treatments is recommended for you.

When you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer, the news can be overwhelming. The good news is that treatment is available. To learn more about lung cancer treatments or to schedule a consultation, be sure to reach out to our compassionate medical professionals today at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists.

Should You Get Your Prostate Checked? Here’s What to Look For

Prostate exams are an important part of preventing the most common type of cancer in men. According to the American Cancer Society, about one in every eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point. Here are seven signs you might need to get a prostate exam.

1. You’re Over 55

If you’re at least 55 years old, prostate cancer specialists recommend getting a prostate exam every year. Yearly prostate exams can help detect issues that could develop into prostate cancer early on. This way, you can start treatment as soon as possible instead of letting your condition get worse.

2. You Have Blood in Your Urine

Blood in the urine is a sign of a serious problem, especially if you’re at least 55 years old. If you have blood in your urine, call a doctor to get it checked out.

3. You Experience Pain While Urinating

Pain or burning while urinating can also be a sign of prostate cancer and similar issues. Pain while urinating is never normal, so make sure you schedule an appointment with your doctor if you feel pain when using the bathroom.

4. You Urinate Frequently at Night

If you’re waking up several times throughout the night to urinate, that can be a sign of prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate. Keep in mind it’s normal to wake up to urinate at least once at night if you’re drinking a lot of water.

5. Your Urine Dribbles

Prostate cancer specialists recommend calling a doctor if you experience dribbling urination. A weak urine stream can be a sign that you have an enlarged prostate.

6. You Have Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back, hips, upper thighs, or pelvis can be a sign of prostate issues. The prostate is in this area, so this is a sign prostate cancer specialists recommend keeping an eye out for.

7. Frequent Urination

If you have to go to the bathroom more often than usual, consider getting a prostate exam to rule out an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer as potential causes.

You might not want to get a prostate exam, but it’s something every man has to do at a certain age. Yearly prostate exams after 55 can help you avoid prostate cancer and other serious issues. If you’re experiencing any of these seven signs, contact Palo Verde Cancer Specialists and schedule a prostate exam today.

7 Signs You Should Get Checked for Abdominal Cancer

Cancer is a disease that plagues many. According to the American Cancer Society, 608,570 people died from cancer in 2021. One cancer, in particular, abdominal cancer, is especially deadly if left undetected. Here are some signs that you should get checked for abdominal cancer.

1. Abdominal Pain

One of the most common signs of abdominal cancer is abdominal pain. This can manifest as a dull ache, sharp pain, or cramping. The pain may come and go, or it could be constant. If you are experiencing abdominal pain, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor.

2. Unexplained Weight Loss

If you are losing weight without trying, it could be a sign of abdominal cancer. Be cautious if you are losing weight rapidly or if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight.

3. Changes in Bowel Habits

A change in your bowel habits includes changes in frequency, consistency, or both. For example, you may find that you have more bowel movements than normal, or that your stool is thinner than normal.

4. Feeling Full Quickly

A tumor may block part of the stomach, making you feel full quickly when you eat. This fullness is known as early satiety. You may fill full after only eating a small amount of food.

5. Nausea or Vomiting

Nausea or vomiting may be caused by a blockage in the stomach or intestines. You may feel nauseous all the time, or you may only feel it after eating. Vomiting may also occur even if you have not eaten recently.

6. Blood in the Stool

Watch out for blood in the stool after a bowel movement. The blood may be fresh, or it may be old and dark. You may also notice black stools. A black stool means that the blood has been in the intestine for a while and has turned black.

7. Abdominal Swelling

Your abdomen may feel full or bloated due to abdominal cancer. A tumor may be blocking part of the intestine, preventing gas or stool from passing through. As a result, you may feel like you need to pass gas or have a bowel movement even if you’ve already gone.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor so that they can rule out abdominal cancer. Early detection is key to a successful outcome. Give our cancer treatment center in Scottsdale a call today.

4 Signs You Should Get Checked for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer. Lung cancer specialists agree that early intervention treatments are the most successful. Getting screened for lung cancer can be lifesaving, and since predispositions and lifestyle can both affect your chances of developing it, it’s important to consider what of the following categories you might fit into.


If You Have a Smoking Habit


If you are a smoker, lung cancer specialists recommend regular screenings for lung cancer. If you have a history of smoking a pack per day for 20 years or longer, you should have a lung cancer screening because you are at a much higher risk of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker.


If You Have Quit Smoking in the Last 15 Years


If you have quit smoking, congratulations; if it has been 15 years or less since you quit, you should have a lung cancer screening. Unfortunately, the damage to your lungs caused by smoking takes a long time to heal, and in the meantime, you are at a higher risk of developing lung cancer. A screening can help detect cancer early on and improve the odds of survival.


If You Are Between 50-80 Years Old


If you are over the age of 50, having a lung cancer screening is a good idea. Aging is a risk factor for any cancer. Getting a lung cancer screening, whether you smoked or not at 50, should be a part of a comprehensive health workup.


If You Worked in Certain Industries


If you have worked in an industry where it is possible to be exposed to toxic chemicals or asbestos, you should get a lung cancer screening. Exposure to toxic chemicals and asbestos can damage the lungs and raise the risk of developing lung cancer.


In 2020, according to the World Health Organization, cancer was responsible for 10 million deaths. That is about one out of every six deaths for the year. One of the recommendations from the WHO is to have cancer screenings. Lung cancer does not have to be a death sentence. New treatment options can extend the lives of people with lung cancer. Follow the recommendations of lung cancer specialists and get lung cancer screening. Early intervention is the best way to combat this disease. Make your appointment for a lung cancer screening today.

Signs You Should Get Checked for Colon Cancer

Many types of cancer, including colon cancer, don’t show symptoms in the early stages. You may not even know you have it if you don’t notice the early signs your body is showing you. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 39.5% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. It is better to catch it sooner rather than later. Seek medical advice as soon as you notice any suspicious symptoms to improve the success of the colon cancer specialists treating you.

Colon cancer is quickly becoming a treatable disease. Patients can benefit from multi-specialty treatment options that combine integrated care of supporting the body while aggressively treating cancer with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical removal of tumors. Colon cancer specialists support their patients with multi-specialty treatment options and integrative care. Here are the signs and symptoms that you should get checked for colon cancer.


Symptoms to Look Out For

Sometimes it’s difficult to realize that the symptoms you’re feeling may be signs of colon cancer. In all fairness, all of these symptoms may be due to other benign conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. Still, if you have any of them, it’s better to have them checked out by a colon cancer specialist.


Bowel Issues

The most obvious sign is a change in your bowel habits. For instance, you might develop diarrhea that is not associated with anything you have eaten, or you might suddenly become constipated for no reason, especially if these changes happen regularly over time.

Rectal bleeding is also one of the main signs of colon cancer, but it can be due to bleeding polyps or hemorrhoids in your gut. So, if you find blood on your toilet paper or in your poo, make an appointment to see your doctor.


Stomach Issues

Your stomach might feel sore, or you might have stomach cramps every night for at least two weeks daily. This would be a big sign to have checked out. It may turn out to be nothing, but it’s better safe than sorry.

Additionally, after emptying your bowels, you may feel that there’s still stool left in your rectum like your bowels did not empty. It’s a very vague symptom, but worth checking out.


Energy Issues

Finally, if may feel tired and listless, like when you have the flu, only you don’t have the flu at this time. See a doctor; a simple blood test can determine whether you need a holiday or if there is something more sinister your body is trying to tell you.


If you experience any of the above symptoms, don’t delay visiting us at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists. An early cancer diagnosis can prolong your life or even give you a chance at a cure and the ability to live a cancer-free life.

3 Qualities to Look for in a Quality Cancer Center

According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.9 million new cancer cases were diagnosed in 2021. Studies show that breast cancer patients in the U.S. have a one in seven chance of missing out on the care they should be getting. This is why it’s crucial to monitor the quality of care received by patients. To get the best care, it’s essential to identify a quality cancer center. Here are some things to look for in a quality cancer center.


1. Structural Quality

When looking for a cancer center, you need to look into the characteristics of its healthcare system that affect its ability to meet the needs of patients. This includes things like clinician characteristics. For instance, are the clinicians board certified, how much experience do they have, and what are their specialties? You must also look into their organizational characteristics. This includes reimbursement methods and staffing patterns. Apart from these factors, a quality cancer treatment center must have structural measures related to treatment quality. This includes the presence of bone marrow transplant units and psychological support services. Structural characteristics are crucial when it comes to the provision of quality care.


2. Process Quality

You must also look into what providers do for their patients and how well they do them. This refers to the technical and interpersonal aspects. Technical processes refer to whether the right choices are made when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of different types of cancers. Does the hospital have a history of misdiagnosing conditions? The effectiveness of care is usually seen in the number of people who recover. This shows the link between the processes employed by a cancer center and the outcomes. Measurements of process quality include increased life expectancy, decreased anxiety, pain relief, and accurate diagnoses.


3. Outcomes

Outcomes are probably the best measure of a cancer treatment center’s ability to deal with various conditions. The outcome, in this case, refers to the results obtained from a healthcare delivery process. This includes clinical status, consumer satisfaction, and functional status. However, you must also keep in mind that such outcomes may also depend on a variety of other things. For instance, they also depend on patient characteristics and the disease process. The outcome can, therefore, only be associated with quality to the extent that it has been associated with past medical processes in proper studies.

These are some of the things to look for in a cancer treatment center. You must go to a well-staffed center with proper equipment. It also doesn’t hurt to go to one that has had lots of success in the past. Get in touch with us today at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists if you’re looking for a reputable cancer center.

What to Expect From Your First Prostate Cancer Treatment

A prostate cancer diagnosis can be jarring. According to the American Cancer Society, about one out of eight men will be diagnosed with this type of cancer in their lifetime. One of the most frightening parts of this diagnosis is not knowing what to expect from prostate cancer treatments. The following information will help you to be better prepared.

Your First Appointment After Diagnosis

Your first appointment with the oncologist is an information-gathering appointment. Be prepared for a lot of information about your treatment options. You should bring someone with you that can help you listen to what the doctor has to say. It’s important that you understand your options.

Before your first appointment, write down any questions that you have. Doing this will ensure that you’ll remember what you wanted to ask. An individualized treatment plan will be developed for you by your prostate cancer treatment team.

Understanding Your Treatment Options

There are several different treatment options available to treat this disease. You and your cancer team will have decided at your first meeting which options are best for your specific situation. The treatments may include surgery, medication, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Your plan may include a combination of all the treatment options depending on the type of cancer you have and whether it has spread.

Each of these prostate cancer treatments is designed to target cancer and can have unique side effects. Talking to your provider about what to expect at each stage of your treatment can help to reduce anxiety about it.

Planning for Your Treatment

In some cases, surgical intervention is warranted right away. In other cases, you may have a round of chemotherapy and radiation before the surgery. In all cases, you should have a plan in place. At a minimum, you should have someone that will take you back and forth to your appointments. If you can have someone at home to help you convalesce and manage your household for you, that is also recommended.

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the survival rate for localized prostate cancer at the five-year mark is 100%. After ten years, the survival rate is 98%. This goes to show that prostate cancer is highly treatable. You can beat this. Contact us at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists for the care you need.

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Lung Cancer Specialist

If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, you likely have a lot of questions. About 53 people out of 100,000 are diagnosed with lung cancer each year, according to the American Cancer Society. Asking your lung cancer specialist the right questions will help you to make informed decisions about your treatment. Here are five questions you should ask your lung cancer specialist.


1. What Type of Lung Cancer Do I Have?

Cancer is a broad term that covers different types of cancers. It is important that you know what type of lung cancer you have so that you know how to approach treatment. Your lung cancer specialist is an expert, so it is important to listen to them carefully. The more educated you are about your type of cancer the better.


2. What Stage is My Cancer In?

Stages of cancer are rated on a scale of one to four. One is the earliest stage and four is the latest stage. Early intervention treatments are most effective and are less aggressive than later-stage interventions. It is important that you know what stage your cancer is at so that you better understand your treatment options.


3. Has the Cancer Metastasized?

Metastasized is another way of saying that cancer has spread to other organs. If the cancer is only in your lungs, it is considered localized. If it has spread to other organs, it has metastasized. This is yet another piece of crucial information that could drastically impact your treatment.


4. Are There Any Clinical Trials Going On?

Your lung cancer specialist will know if there are any current clinical trials that you may be able to volunteer for. Promising clinical trials can be an alternative treatment method. Stay up to date on any and all new treatment options that show promise.


5. Is There Any Support To Help With Insurance Processing?

Navigating lung cancer treatment and dealing with your insurance company can be stressful. Ask your lung cancer specialist if there is a support team that you can work with that can handle your insurance claims and other financial obligations for you.


Please consider taking a moment to write down all the questions you have for your lung care specialist before your next appointment. The experts at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists will listen to your every need or concern. We will walk with you through every step of the process and provide you with the support you need.

How to Manage Anxiety During Your Cancer Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you are not alone. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the United States recorded about 1,806,590 new cancer cases in 2020. A cancer diagnosis typically brings a lot of fear and anxiety, and cancer treatment can be daunting. Take a deep breath. There are ways to manage and minimize anxiety. Here are some tips to help you manage anxiety during your cancer treatment.

Talk to Your Doctor or a Counselor

Open communication with your doctor and healthcare team is crucial. Be sure to voice any concerns you have and let them know if you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Cancer centers have experienced staff, doctors, and counselors who can help you understand your diagnosis and provide you with emotional support to help you through your treatment. They can also help you develop a plan to manage your anxiety.

Join a Support Group

Joining a support group can be incredibly helpful when going through cancer treatment.
Connecting with others facing similar challenges can help you feel less lonely as you get valuable support and information. Cancer centers often have support groups available, or you can look for one online or in your community.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that can effectively treat anxiety. Research has shown that CBT can be helpful for people undergoing cancer treatment. One study found that CBT reduced anxiety and improved the quality of life in a group of breast cancer patients. If you are undergoing cancer treatment, CBT can help you manage anxiety by teaching you how to:

  • Determine and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors
  • Cope with anxiety-provoking situations
  • Manage stress and relax
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices

It is a highly effective treatment that can significantly impact your quality of life.

Use Relaxation Techniques

Many relaxation techniques can help ease anxiety during cancer treatment, including yoga, deep breathing, and meditation. Find what suits you and schedule time for it every day. Many cancer centers offer classes focusing on relaxation techniques. These classes can be a great way to learn more about relaxation techniques and meet other people who are going through similar experiences.

If you are struggling to cope, do not hesitate to reach out to our staff at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists. They can help you develop a plan to manage your anxiety and feelings of overwhelm. The right support is critical during this time, and we are here to help.

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